User And Access



Suppose there are 10,000 users who have registered in VaahCMS and there might be the possibility that only few of them will be the verified users. The main purpose of Registrations method is to prevent users tables from being filled with unnecessary front-end registrations. Using this method we identify the actual user before saving their details into users table. Once the user is verified then their details will be saved in the users table in the database.

Features & Demos

The Registration page will display all registered Registration provide a form for creating and updating Registration, offering the following features:

  • Create a New Registration
  • Edit/Update the details of an already existing Registration.
  • Clone Registration details.
  • Autofill Registration fields.
  • Sort the Registration list in ascending/descending order.
  • Perform Bulk Actions to change the status, trash, or delete Registration.
  • List All existing Registration.
  • Filter the Registration list by searching using different fields.
  • Filter the Registration list by different status, including trashed Registration.
  • Delete an existing Registration.
  • Delete or temporarily trash an already existing Registration.

Create a Registration

In VaahCMS there are two methods of creating a registration

  1. From Registrations (Backend)
  2. From Frontend

Follow below image for reference:

You will get to know about both these methods one by one.
Method 1 : From Registrations

There are two methods to create a registration , Below we will discuss How to create a registration from Registrations(Backend).

We will discuss both these methods one by one.

1. From Backend

To create a new registration from this method, click on Registrations icon button in the side bar.

Follow below image for reference:

You will be able to see the list of registered users along with create button. You just need to click on the Create button in the top right corner. When you click on Create button you should be able to see a registration form.
Follow below image for reference:

::alert{type="warning"class="flex items-center p-4 mb-4 text-sm text-yellow-800 border border-yellow-300 rounded-lg bg-yellow-50 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-yellow-300 dark:border-yellow-800" role="alert"} NOTE
You need to make sure status column of that registration is selected as Email Verification Pending we will discuss all three status action Here Click Here :: Once all the details are filled out by those who have permission to create registrations, clicking the 'Create & New' button will result in the creation of a new registration, with all the details saved in the 'vh_registrations' table Want to know more about roles and permissions?click here

Follow below image for reference:

Method 2 : From Frontend

In this method a user fills the Registration form from following url:


Follow below image for reference:

Once all the required details are filled out by the user and they click on the Sign Up button, an email verification link will be sent to the user, and the details will be saved in the registrations(vh_registration) table.Follow below image for reference:

Users need to click on the Activate button link to activate their account. Once their account has been activated, their details will be created in the vh_users table, and they will be redirected to the login page. Follow below images for references:
Login page

Registrations list

Users list

How to Update Registration Status to Verified

Purpose of this Feature

The primary objective of storing user details in two different tables, namely vh_registrations and vh_users, serves to enhance the clarity and distinction between actual users and dummy users. This approach becomes particularly valuable in situations where a large number of users, Suppose there are 10,000 users who have registered in VaahCMS and there might be the possibility that only few of them will be the verified users.

The Registrations method plays a pivotal role in preventing the users table from becoming cluttered with unnecessary registrations. By employing this method, we establish a process to discern the genuine users from the rest before committing their details to the users table within the database. This helps maintain the integrity and accuracy of the users table by ensuring that only verified users' information is included, enhancing overall database efficiency and user management.

Additionally, within this context, we are implementing a mechanism to change the status of registered users and elevate them to verified user status, further ensuring that only legitimate users are granted access to the system or services. As part of this strategy, we smoothly move user data from 'vh_registration' to 'vh_users,' turning registered users into verified ones."

In VaahCMS there are two methods of Verifying a registration

  1. From Registrations
  2. From Frontend

Method 1 : From Registrations

To make a registered user a verified user, click the View button in the list of registered users, as shown in the image below:

After clicking on the View button, the details of the registered user will appear. Go to the Status column and click on the status button, then choose "Email Verified," as demonstrated in the image below:

You can also send the email verification link to the registered user. Creat User will appear in green color with a dropdown button that allows you to click on it and send a welcome email. The details of the registered user will be stored in the users (vh_users) table, demonstrated in the image below:

The welcome email is designed to provide a warm and inviting introduction to our platform or service. It typically includes a friendly greeting, expresses appreciation for the user's registration.

Method 2 : From Frontend

The second method, which you can access by click here, essentially provides a reference for how registrations are initially created from the frontend. However, the crucial transition occurs when a user verifies their email by clicking on the activation link. At this point, the system proceeds to store the registration details into the 'vh_users' table. In essence, this method illustrates the progression from a preliminary registration to the full integration of the user's data into the 'vh_users' database, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Other Feature of Registration

Edit/Update the details of already exists Registration

  • To update the details of a Registered user go to User&Access >Registration click on the pencil button and change the input field value.

Deleting exists Registration

-To deleting the Registration there are 2 way to delete Registration -

  1. from the view/form(edit) page.
    To delete the details Registered user just click on the view button and click on the down arrow button. there is a Delete button option.
  2. from the Registration list and select the delete action from the toggle menu.
    To delete the Registration details of a specific user, begin by selecting the user from the list, then click the down arrow button, and finally choose the Delete option.

Deleting temporary/Trashing already exists Registration

  • To deleting temporary the Registration there are 2 way to temporary delete the Registration -
  1. from the view/form(edit) page.
    To trash the Registration just click on the view button and click on the down arrow button. there is a Trash button option.
  2. from the Registration list and selecting the trash action.
    To trash the Registration first select the user and click on the down arrow button then click on the Trash option.

List All existing Registration

  • list of the Registration who are already exist will be shown-

Filtering the Registration list by searching using different fields

  • Filtering the Registration list by searching with fields like first name,middle name,last name,email id, user's id etc.

Filtering the Registration list by different status of Registration, trashed Registration

  • Filtering the Registration list by Registration different status(email verification pending, user created, email verified) and by including/excluding the trashed Registration.
    To filter the details. Click on the filter button. you get a dialog box that shows all filter options. also, you can reset the filter by clicking on the filter button.

Sorting the Registration with ascending/descending order

  • List can be sort in different way, like by selecting the order(Ascending/Descending) and by list's each column's different order

Clone the Registration details

  • Already exist fields data can be cloned at the time of create a new Registration and updating Registration details, in order to create a new Registration with similar data.
    When you choose the Create & clone option at the time of creating a user. So, it will create the user, but the input field will not be blank after creating the user.

Autofill the Registration field

  • Some field can be auto filled by dummy data/random data on selecting the fill option , at the time of create a new Registration or updating Registration details, in order to create a fresh new Registration

Bulk Actions to status change, trash, delete

  • Bulk Action can be performed on the existing Registration list on selecting the Bulk Actions type i.e trash all, re-store all, delete all etc. and changing the Users status(email verified,email verification pending,user create)
  • Bulk action can also be performed on only limited or on selected Registration by and selecting Actions i.e trash, re-store, delete etc and changing the Registration status(email verified,email verification pending,user create)

Status Action Email Verification Pending

  • When creating a new Registration and filling in all the necessary information, but forgetting to specify the status or empty the status field, the system will automatically set the status to 'Email Verification Pending' as a default value.
  • The main reason it automatically defaults to Email Verification Pending is to ensure that regardless of whether the registration is created from the backend or frontend, the email associated with the registration must be verified. This differentiation helps distinguish genuine users from dummy users

Status Action Email Verified

  • Once the registration is created and the email field is filled during the registration process, an email is sent to the user containing a verification link. When the user clicks on the activation link, it confirms the email's verification, and the status in the registration changes to 'Email Verified
  • The following image serves as a visual reference to illustrate how a verification email appears in practice. It provides a visual representation of what users can expect when they receive a verification email

Status Action User Created

For more understanding, please watch the below video.

  • Create New Registration
  • Clone the Registration details.
  • Edit/Update the details of already exists Registration.
  • Deleting exists Registration.
  • Deleting temporary/Trashing already exists Registration.
  • List All existing Registration.
  • Filtering the Registration list by searching using different fields.
  • Filtering the Registration list by different status, trashed Registration.
  • Sorting the Registration with ascending/descending order.
  • Autofill the Registration field.
  • Bulk Actions to status change,trash,delete


Permissions allow users to access certain features of a course or project site, depending on their roles, and on the decisions made by the site owner and the system administrator. The ability to do actions on your site (including viewing content, editing content, and changing configuration) is governed by permissions. Each permission has a name (such as View published content) and covers one action or a small subset of actions.

Field NameSectionDescription
Can Create RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to add new user
Can Read RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to view the registered users details
Can Update RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to edit and update the users details
Can Manage RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to edit and update the users details
Has Access Of Registrations SectionRegistrationThis will allow user see the link of registration section.
Can Create Users From RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to add users in the registration section.
Can Delete RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to delete anything in the registration section.
Can See Registrations Contact DetailsRegistrationThis will allow user to view contact detail in the registration section.


List of all the files responsible for this pages

  • Laravel Route: packages/vaahcms/Routes/backend/routes-registrations.php
  • Laravel Controller: packages/vaahcms/Http/Controllers/Backend/RegistrationsController.php
  • Laravel Model: packages/vaahcms/Models/Registration.php
  • Vue Route: packages/vaahcms/Vue/vaahtwo/routes/vue-routes-registrations.js
  • Vue Store: packages/vaahcms/Vue/vaahtwo/stores/store-registrations.js
  • Vue Page Director: packages/vaahcms/Vue/vaahtwo/pages/registrations


some methods which can be reused.

  • itemAction() method can be used for actions like restore,trash in particular item

where $request is HTTP request,$id is Item's id,$type is action type.

  • listAction() methods can be used for different actions like trash,restore,delete,trash all,delete all,restore all and different status change on item's list

where $request is HTTP request,$id is Item's id,$type is action type.


Create User

Method: post
URL: <public-url>/api/vaah/registrations/form
Request Parameters
api_tokenAPI Token id for authenticationString
avatar_urlUser's Avtar Image URLImage
bioUser's bioString
birthUser's Date of birthDate
countryUser's CountryString
country_calling_codeUser country's Calling codeNumber
country_codeUser's Country codeString
created_byAdmin IdNumber
deleted_byAdmin IdNumber
designationUser's designationString
display_nameUser's Display name to be seenString
emailrequired User'sString
first_namerequired User'sString
genderm for male , f for female , o for Other User'sString
passwordrequired User'sString
statususer-created , email-verified , email-verification-pending User'sString
timezoneUser's preferred area bases timezoneString
titleUser's Title i.e Mr/Mrs/Miss/MsString
updated_byAdmin's Id who has updated the detailsNumber
uuidUser's Unique Identifier IDString
Response Parameters
successSet true if list accessibleBoolean
datadata that get stored successfullyObject
messagemessage on successfully date savedText
Sample Request
        "alternate_email": ""
        "avatar_url": "png.pngtree/ourmid/image_1541962.jpg"
        "bio": "Cum iusto at corporis."
        "birth": "2023-01-01T18:30:00.000Z"
        "country": "India"
        "country_calling_code": "91"
        "country_code": "IN"
        "designation": "Autem"
        "display_name": "solon.hickle"
        "email": ""
        "first_name": "Hailey"
        "gender": "m"
        "last_name": "Pollich"
        "middle_name": "Dach"
        "phone": "8222282222"
        "status": "email-verification-pending"
        "timezone": "Pacific/Midway"
        "title": "Mr"
        "username": "grace24"
Sample Response
    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "item": {
    "messages": [
        "Saved successfully."

Get a List

Method: get
URL: <public-url>/api/vaah/registrations
Request Parameters
qValue to be search in first_name, middle_name, last_name, display_name, email and id ColumnString
per_pageN Item Per PageNumber20
statusStatus of Registration and may be either email-verification-vending, email-verified or user-createdString
trashedSet true to show Trashed (Soft Delete) dataBooleanfalse
sortAscending or Descending sort listString
Response Parameters
successSet true if list accessibleBoolean
dataall the matched data with query or the data availableObject
first_page_urlurl for first pageUrl
fromUser count starts withNumber
last_pageMax number of page in paginationNumber
last_page_urlUrl for last pageUrl
linksprevious and next page links,active,labelObject
next_page_urlUrl for next pageUrl
pathUrl for pageUrl
per_pageUsers count to show at a timeNumber
prev_page_urlUrl for previous pageUrl
toMax number of users accessedNumber
totalCount usersNumber
Sample Request
parameter = [

    'api_token'                 => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',  // for authentication
    'q'                         => 'search_item', 
    'status'                    => 'email-verification-vending / email-verified / user-created', 
    'per_page'                  =>  20,
    'trashed'                   =>  false,          // true, false           
    'updated_at'                =>            // asc, desc           
Sample Response
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "data": [
        "id": 1,
        "uuid": "07052497-c12f-4e21-a119-edf20d51f3ad",
        "email": "",
        "username": "ekoelpin",
        "id": 2,
        "uuid": "a119-edf20d51f3ad-07052497-c12f-4e21",
        "email": "",
        "username": "lenaoe",
    "first_page_url": "<public-url>/backend\/vaah\/registrations?page=1",
    "from": 1,
    "last_page": 1,
    "last_page_url": "<public-url>/backend\/vaah\/registrations?page=1",
    "links": [
        "url": "<public-url>\/backend\/vaah\/registrations?page=1",
        "label": "&laquo; Previous",
        "active": false
        "url": "<public-url>\/backend\/vaah\/registrations?page=2",
        "label": "1",
        "active": true
        "url": "<public-url>\/backend\/vaah\/registrations?page=3",
        "label": "Next &raquo;",
        "active": false
    "path": "<public-url>\/backend\/vaah\/registrations",
    "per_page": 20,
    "prev_page_url": "<public-url>\/backend\/vaah\/registrations?page=1",
    "to": 2
    "total": 2

Get Item

Method: get
URL: <public-url>/api/registrations/{form/view}/{id}
Request Parameters
idUser's idNumber
api_tokenfor authenticationString
trashedtrue, falseBoolean
Response Parameters
successSet true if list accessibleBoolean
dataAll the matched data with request used IdObject
Sample Request
parameter = [

   'api_token'                 => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',   // for authentication
   'trashed'                   => false,          // true, false  
Sample Response
    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "uuid": "07052497-c12f-4e21-a119-edf20d51f3ad",
        "email": "",
        "username": "ekoelpin",


Method: PUT
URL: <public-url>/api/registrations/{id}
Request Parameters
api_tokenfor authenticationString
usernameslug generated or user's field nameString
titleUser Name title like (Mr,Mrs,Miss,Ms)String
designationUsers designationString
genderm for male , f for female , o for OtherString
timezoneCountry and states wise timezoneString
birthUser's Date of birthDate
country_codeCountry Name Intails Like IN for India,USA for United States of America etcNumber
statusrequired - (user-created , email-verified , email-verification-pending)String
Response Parameters
Successresponse typeBoolean
dataall requested parameters with some value inside data objectObject
messagesresponse type messageString
Sample Request
parameter = [

    "activated_at": "2022-12-28 18:33:53"
    "activated_ip": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "activation_code": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "activation_code_sent_at": null
    "alternate_email": ""
    "avatar_url": "png.pngtree/ourmid/image_1541962.jpg"
    "bio": "Omnis suscipit qui tenetur nisi."
    "birth": "2022-12-28"
    "country": "India"
    "country_calling_code": "91"
    "country_code": "IN"
    "created_at": "2022-12-28 18:33:53"
    "created_by": 1
            "id": 1,
            "uuid": "034d5c4b-0a0d-4ec6-a20c-5d69b70889e1",
            "first_name": "Webreinvent",
            "last_name": "Team",
    "email": ""
    "first_name": "Webreinvent"
    "last_name": "Team"
    "name": "Webreinvent Team"
    "uuid": "034d5c4b-0a0d-4ec6-a20c-5d69b70889e1"
    "designation": "Ad quia quo ipsa."
    "display_name": "kovacek.ursula"
    "email": ""
    "first_name": "Edward"
    "gender": "m"
    "id": 88
    "last_name": "Witting"
    "middle_name": "Hyatt"
    "phone": "8585858585"
    "status": "user-created"
    "timezone": "Atlantic/Madeira"
    "title": "Dolor et natus ut."
    "updated_at": "2023-01-02 19:08:59"
    "updated_by": 1
        "id": 1,
        "uuid": "034d5c4b-0a0d-4ec6-a20c-5d69b70889e1",
        "first_name": "Webreinvent",
        "last_name": "Team",
    "email": ""
    "first_name": "Webreinvent"
    "id": 1
    "last_name": "Team"
    "name": "Webreinvent Team"
    "uuid": "034d5c4b-0a0d-4ec6-a20c-5d69b70889e1"
    "user_created_at": "2023-01-02 19:08:59"
    "username": "destiney72"
    "uuid": "416b81fc-f273-4dd0-8f18-e301f5c677dd"
    "vh_user_id": 99        // json format
Sample Response
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "id": 88,
      "uuid": "416b81fc-f273-4dd0-8f18-e301f5c677dd",
      "email": "",
      "username": "destiney72",
      "display_name": "kovacek.ursula",
      "title": "Dolor et natus ut.",
      "designation": "Ad quia quo ipsa.",
      "first_name": "Edward",
      "middle_name": "Hyatt",
      "last_name": "Witting",
      "gender": "m",
      "country_calling_code": "",
      "phone": "9876522222",
      "bio": "Omnis suscipit qui tenetur nisi.",
      "timezone": "Atlantic\/Madeira",
      "alternate_email": "",
      "avatar_url": "png.pngtree/ourmid/image_1541962.jpg"
      "birth": "2022-12-28",
      "country": "91",
      "country_code": "IN",
      "status": "user-created",
      "activation_code": "qrtya43cghtaqrr77saskweerrr",
      "activation_code_sent_at": "",
      "activated_at": "2023-01-02 19:08:59"
      "invited_at": "2023-01-02 19:08:59",
      "belong_id": 857,
      "vh_user_id": 24,
      "user_created_at": "2023-01-02 19:08:59",
      "meta": {
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "created_at": "2022-12-28 18:33:53",
      "updated_at": "2023-01-02 19:09:10",
      "deleted_at": null,
      "created_by_user": {
        "id": 1,
        "uuid": "034d5c4b-0a0d-4ec6-a20c-5d69b70889e1",
        "first_name": "Webreinvent",
        "last_name": "Team",
        "email": "",
        "name": "Webreinvent Team"
      "updated_by_user": {
        "id": 1,
        "uuid": "034d5c4b-0a0d-4ec6-a20c-5d69b70889e1",
        "first_name": "Webreinvent",
        "last_name": "Team",
        "email": "",
        "name": "Webreinvent Team"
      "deleted_by_user": null
  "messages": [
    "Saved successfully."


Method: delete
URL: <public-url>/api/registrations/{id}
Response Parameters
successresponse typeBoolean
messagesresponse messageString
Sample Response
  "success": true,
  "data": [
  "messages": [
    "Record has been deleted"

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