User And Access



Depending on their roles, the decisions made by the application owner and the system administrator, and other factors, permissions allow users to access particular aspects of the application. Permissions control which actions users are allowed to perform on your application, such as viewing, editing, and changing configuration. Each permission has a name (for example, View published material) and only permits a single activity or a small group of related actions.

Features & Demos

Default Permissions

These permissions are created through seeds while set up the application.

Permission NameSectionDescription
Has Access of DashboardDashboardThis will allow user to see the link of dashboard.
Has Access of Setting SectionSettingThis will allow user to see the link of setting section.
Can Login In BackendBackendThis will allow user to login in the backend.
Has Access Of Users SectionUserThis will allow user to see the link of user section.
Can Create UsersUserThis will allow user to add anything in the user section.
Can Read UsersUserThis will allow user to view anything in the user section.
Can Update UsersUserThis will allow user to edit anything in the user section.
Can Delete UsersUserThis will allow user to delete anything in the user section.
Can Manage UsersUserThis will allow user to manage anything in the user section.
Can See Users Contact DetailsUserThis will allow user to view contact (email, mobile) detail in the user section.
Has Access Of Registrations SectionRegistrationThis will allow user see the link of registration section.
Can Create RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to add anything in the registration section.
Can Create Users From RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to add users in the registration section.
Can Read RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to view anything in the registration section.
Can Update RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to edit anything in the registration section.
Can Delete RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to delete anything in the registration section.
Can Manage RegistrationsRegistrationThis will allow user to manage anything in the registration section.
Can See Registrations Contact DetailsRegistrationThis will allow user to view contact detail in the registration section.
Has Access Of Roles SectionRoleThis will allow user see the link of role section.
Can Create RolesRoleThis will allow user to add anything in the role section.
Can Read RolesRoleThis will allow user to view anything in the role section.
Can Update RolesRoleThis will allow user to edit anything in the role section.
Can Delete RolesRoleThis will allow user to delete anything in the role section.
Can Manage RolesRoleThis will allow user to manage anything in the role section.
Has Access Of Permissions SectionPermissionThis will allow user see the link of permission section.
Can Read PermissionsPermissionThis will allow user to view anything in the permission section.
Can Update PermissionsPermissionThis will allow user to edit anything in the permission section.
Can Manage PermissionsPermissionThis will allow user to manage anything in the permission section.
Has Access Of Media SectionMediaThis will allow user see the link of media section.
Can Create MediaMediaThis will allow user to add anything in the media section.
Can Read MediaMediaThis will allow user to view anything in the media section.
Can Update MediaMediaThis will allow user to edit anything in the media section.
Can Delete MediaMediaThis will allow user to delete anything in the media section.
Can Manage MediaMediaThis will allow user to manage anything in the media section.
Has Access Of Module SectionModuleThis will allow user see the link of module section.
Can Install ModuleModuleThis will allow user to install a module.
Can Delete ModuleModuleThis will allow user to delete a module.
Can Deactivate ModuleModuleThis will allow user to deactivate a module.
Can Activate ModuleModuleThis will allow user to activate a module.
Can Import Sample Data In ModuleModuleThis will allow user to import sample data in module.
Can Update ModuleModuleThis will allow user to update a module.
Can Read ModuleModuleThis will allow user to read a module.
Has Access Of Theme SectionThemeThis will allow user see the link of theme section.
Can Install ThemeThemeThis will allow user to install a theme.
Can Delete ThemeThemeThis will allow user to delete a theme.
Can Deactivate ThemeThemeThis will allow user to deactivate a theme.
Can Activate ThemeThemeThis will allow user to activate a theme.
Can Import Sample Data In ThemeThemeThis will allow user to import sample data in theme.
Can Update ThemeThemeThis will allow user to update a theme.
Can Read ThemeThemeThis will allow user to read a theme.
Has Access Of Advanced SectionAdvancedThis will allow user see the link of advanced section.

Required User Permissions To Access This Section

The following permissions are necessary for permissions management in order to carry out certain actions.

Has Access Of Permissions SectionThis will enable users to access the permission section link in the application's left navigation bar.
Can Read PermissionsThis will allow user to view anything in the permission section.
Can Update PermissionsThis will allow user to edit anything in the permission section.
Can Manage PermissionsThis will allow user to manage anything in the permission section.


  • Laravel Route: vaahcms/Routes/backend/route-permissions.php
  • Laravel Controller: vaahcms/Http/Controllers/Backend/PermissionsController.php
  • Laravel Model: vaahcms/Models/Permission.php
  • Vue Route: vaahcms/Vue/vaahtwo/routes/vue-routes-permissions.js
  • Vue Store: vaahcms/Vue/vaahtwo/stores/store-permissions.js
  • Vue Page Directory: vaahcms/Vue/vaahtwo/pages/permissions


Some reusable methods mention bellowed.


You can use this method for fetching all active permissions of the application.

use WebReinvent\VaahCms\Models\Permission;    // Import permission class at top

$active_permissions = Permission::getActiveItems();


You can use this method for sync permissions with roles. After creating a new permission you have to call this method to sync permissions count with roles.

use WebReinvent\VaahCms\Models\Permission;  // Import Role class at the top



You can use this method to retrieve roles that are associated with this permission.

use WebReinvent\VaahCms\Models\Permission;  // Import Role class at the top

Permission::getPermissionRoles($id);        // Permission ID must be provided as parameters.

How to check if a user has permission?

VaahCms provide a method to check the User's permission.



    //user has "has-access-of-users-section" permission

How to get all user permission

VaahCms provide a method to get all the User's permissions.

$all_permission =  \Auth::user()->permissions(true);

let's take an example for Laravel :-

  • If you want to deny permission from your laravel controller so you can use this code
  • This code will return permission deny message.
  if (!Auth::user()->hasPermission('can-update-users')) {
            $response['success'] = false;
            $response['errors'][] = trans("vaahcms::messages.permission_denied");

            return response()->json($response);

Follow below videos for better understanding

let's take an example for Vue :-

  • If you want to show edit button only some user's if they have permission to edit.


  • you have a Employee module in that module there is a employees table and you want to show edit button if user have permission to edit.

Go to EmployeesController =>getAssets() function. Add \Auth::user()->permissions(true); in $data['permissions'] variable.

class EmployeesController extends Controller
   public function __construct()
public function getAssets(Request $request): JsonResponse
     try {
                $data = [];
                $data['permission'] = \Auth::user()->permissions(true);

Now go to your vue/pages/employees/components/Table.vue

<p v-for="permission in store.assets.permission" 
  <Button v-if=" permission == 'can-update-users' " class="p-button-tiny p-button-text"
          icon="pi pi-pencil"

Follow below videos for better understanding

Create a Permission via VaahSeeder

Through seeds, you can generate permissions. Make a json file called permissions.json in the directory ../VaahCms/Modules/{module_name}/Database/Seeds/json/.

In permissions.json file


        "name": "Has Access of Dashboard",
        "module": "<module_name>",
        "section": "<module_section_name>",
        "details": "This will allow user to see the link of dashboard."
        "name": "Has Access of Setting Section",
        "module": "vaahcms",
        "section": "Setting",
        "details": "This will allow user to see the link of setting section."

To run this seed, you have to add some code in DatabaseTableSeeder.php at .../VaahCms/Modules/{module_name}/Database/Seeds/ this directory.

In DatabaseTableSeeder.php file

namespace VaahCms\Modules\<module_name>\Database\Seeds;

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use WebReinvent\VaahCms\Libraries\VaahSeeder;

class DatabaseTableSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()


You need to reactivate the Module in order to run Seeder. Watched attached video for more information.

  • Visit following url to see new added Permissions.

Assign Permissions to Role

You can add permissions to a role in permissions section. By clicking on role column, a page will open that contain list of roles along with Yes/NO button.


VaahCMS has APIs for every method, allowing you to interact with NuxJS or other frameworks.

You can access APIs method from vaachms/Http/Controllers/Api/PermissionsController.php and routes from vaahcms/Routes/api/api-routes-permissions.php

We mention some methods bellow which help you to understand the structure.

Fetch Permissions

Method: GET
Action: PermissionsController@getList
URL: <public-url>/api/vaah/permissions/

Sample Axios Request

async getList() {
    let options = {
        query: vaah().clone(this.query)
    await axios(

async getListAfter (data, res) {

    if (data) {
        this.list = data;
Sample Laravel Request
parameter = [
    'filter' => [
        'q'            // for search queary (optionl)
        'trashed'      // for include or exclude trashed data (optionl)
        'is_active'    // for fetching only active or inactive data (optionl)
        'sort'         // for sorting the data (optionl)
Sample Response
  "data": {
  "success": true

Delete Permission

Method: DELETE
Action: PermissionsController@deleteItem
URL: <public-url>/api/vaah/permissions/{id}
Sample Response
  "data": {},
  "message" : [
    "Action was successful."
  "success": true

Fetch single Permission

Method: GET
Action: PermissionsController@getItem($id)
URL: <public-url>/api/vaah/permissions/{id}

Sample Axios Request

 async getItem(id) {
        await axios(
async afterGetItem(data, res) {
    if (data) {
        this.item = data;
    } else {
        this.$router.push({name: 'permissions.index'});
    await this.getFormMenu();
Sample Response
  "data": {
  "success": true

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