Getting Started


Install via VaahCLI

Install VaahCLI, via following command:

npm i vaah -g

Use npx vaah cms: install command which create your vaahCMS.

npx vaah cms:install

Press enter then Select VaahCMS 2.X version

D:\projects\xampp811\htdocs\vaahcms>npx vaah cms:install

 /\   /\ __ _   __ _ | |__    / __\ /\/\  / _\
 \ \ / // _` | / _` || '_ \  / /   /    \ \ \
  \ V /| (_| || (_| || | | |/ /___/ /\/\ \_\ \
   \_/  \__,_| \__,_||_| |_|\____/\/    \/\__/

? Select the VaahCMS version: (Use arrow keys)
> VaahCMS 2.x......................Select this
  VaahCMS 1.x

Then follow these steps

Open the project folder vaahcms in terminal and follow the steps
Step 1. Run composer install command
Step 2. Run php artisan serve command
and visit following url to setup:

Installation has been done. VaahCMS folder is created in your directory

Step 1. After installation open VaahCMS folder in Command prompt and run composer command.

composer install

Step 2. After it Run php artisan serve command

php artisan serve

And visit:


If you are using xampp or wamp, then visit


For more understanding, you can watch bellowed attached video.

Manual Download & Installation

Download VaahCMS

You can manually download the setup files, from following link:

Download VaahCMS

Install Dependencies

VaahCMS utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using Laravel, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

  1. Extract the downloaded VaahCMS folder.
  2. Open terminal or command prompt and open the root folder of VaahCMS files.
  3. Run following command to install the dependencies:
composer install

Setup & Configuration

Once the dependencies are downloaded, you need to publish the assets & config of VaahCMS via following commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='WebReinvent\VaahCms\VaahCmsServiceProvider' --tag=assets --force
php artisan vendor:publish --provider='WebReinvent\VaahCms\VaahCmsServiceProvider' --tag=config --force

If you get this error: Unable to locate publishable resources.

Then just run publish command and choose the class that you want to publish.

php artisan vendor:publish

If you're using XAMPP or WAMP, visit following url to begin the setup:



If you have PHP installed locally, and you would like to use PHP's built-in development server to serve your application, you may use the serve Artisan command. This command will start a development server at <public-url>. Run following command to start the serving the application:

php artisan serve

and visit:


This will begin the setup process and easy form wizard to configure your the application. Once you're done with the configuration you will be able to login to the backend (administrative control panel) at following url:

In case of XAMPP or WAMP:


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