Getting Started

Generate Theme


This guide will help you to generate theme in VaahCMS


  • node js installed
  • vaah project directory

Step 1: Vaah Cli Installation

To use Vaah generators to generate themes, install VaahCli Tool using

npm install vaah -g


npm i vaah -g

Step 2: Installation of Theme

Command that is used to generate a Theme is:-

npx vaah cms:t

After this command, it will ask for some information regarding the Theme, answers are also mentioned here.

  • Name of The Theme you want to create. For example MyTheme.
Enter your theme name:  MyTheme
  • Title of the Theme. For example Theme for myself.
Enter meaningful title for your theme:  Theme for myself
  • Detailed Description about the Theme.
Enter your theme description:  This theme will be used for testing purpose only
  • Name of the person creating the Theme or press enter to go with default value provided.
Enter Author name:  vaah
  • Email of the author or press enter to go with default value.
Enter Author email:
  • Author website and download url or Press Enter for default value.
Enter author website:
Enter download url: 

Enter true if you want to run migration for this theme as soon as the theme is activated else select false.

Do you want to run migration when activated (true/false):  true

Once this step is complete, it will generate a new folder at VaahCMS > Themes > MyTheme

Step 3: Activating a Theme

To activate a theme, visit following url


login to the backend panel using credentials of the user that was created while the installation of VaahCms. After that, on the sidebar, click on Extend and then click on Themes.

List of all the installed themes will be displayed. From this list, find your theme and click on Activate button present on the right side of that same theme to activate the theme.

Follow below image for reference:

Step 4: Directory Structure

  • Config: Config file is present here. Config file contains all the information related to theme, that was provided while creating theme, such as, name, description, is_migratable, is sample data available etc. And this information can be changed in this config file.
  • Database: All the Factory, Migrations and Seeds files of this theme are present in Database Folder.
    • To generate Migration File,run the following commands:
       npx vaah cms:t-make migration <theme-folder-name> <migration-name>

      for example:
       npx vaah cms:t-make migration MyTheme contact

      After running the command,migration file will be generated under Database/Migrations. theme-migration-file
  • To generate Seeds File run the below commands:
     npx vaah cms:t-make seed <theme-folder-name> <seeder-name>

    Seeds file will be generated under Database/Seeders or we can use json files to seed data into tables. To use a json file, create a json file under <theme-folder>/Database/Seeds/json folder. example:theme-json-seed-file
    This json file can be used in SampleDataTableSeeder. theme-sample-seeder-file1
    To run SampleDataTableSeeder file, click on import sample data button: theme-sample-seeder-button
  • Http: All the Controllers,Middlewares,Requests file related to this theme will be stored in this directory.
    Command for creating controller:
        npx vaah cms:t-make controller <theme-folder-name> <controller-name>

    Command for creating middleware:
        npx vaah cms:t-make middleware <theme-folder-name> <middleware-name>
  • Models:
    Command for creating model:
    npx vaah cms:t-make model <theme-folder-name> <model-name>
  • Routes: All the routes for theme will be found in routes/frontend.php. And all the new route will be created in this same file.
  • Views:All the views for this theme will be generated in <theme-root>/Resources/Views/frontend
    • this is the first page of the theme welcome.blade.php.
  • Vue: This folder will contain all the vue files, vuex store, vue routes related to this theme.
    • Vue components will be present under Vue/pages.
    • Vue routes will be present under Vue/routes.
    • Vue store will be found under Vue/stores.

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