

AppTheme is used to manage the theme in our app. AppTheme needs to be initialized first before use, so we initialize it using AppTheme.init() in BaseController


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'base/base_theme.dart';

class AppTheme {
  static final Map<String, MaterialColor> colors = Map.of(BaseTheme.colors);

  static const panelBorder = Border();
  static const int precision = 2;
  static const double extraSmall = 12;
  static const double small = 14;
  static const double medium = 16;
  static const double large = 18;
  static const double extraLarge = 20;

  static void init() {

How to update the color for a specific key

In the init() method you can simply assign a color value for the key you want to override. Check the below snippet.

static void init() {
    colors['primary'] = pink;

const MaterialColor pink = MaterialColor(
  <int, Color>{
    50: Color(0xFFFFD4D2),
    100: Color(0xFFFFD4D2),
    200: Color(0xFFFFA5A8),
    300: Color(0xFFFF788B),
    400: Color(0xFFFF577E),
    500: Color(0xFFFF1F6A),
    600: Color(0xFFDB166B),
    700: Color(0xFFB70F68),
    800: Color(0xFF930960),
    900: Color(0xFF7A055A),

How to add a color

In the init() method you can simply assign a color value for the key you want to add. Check the below snippet.

static void init() {
    colors['pink'] = pink;

const MaterialColor pink = MaterialColor(
  <int, Color>{
    50: Color(0xFFFFD4D2),
    100: Color(0xFFFFD4D2),
    200: Color(0xFFFFA5A8),
    300: Color(0xFFFF788B),
    400: Color(0xFFFF577E),
    500: Color(0xFFFF1F6A),
    600: Color(0xFFDB166B),
    700: Color(0xFFB70F68),
    800: Color(0xFF930960),
    900: Color(0xFF7A055A),

How to access any color property

Add import in your dart file

import 'package:example/vaahextendflutter/app_theme.dart';

Access the color key by calling the colors property on AppTheme class. E.g. if you want to access the primary key use


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