
Raise a PR

How to raise a PR?

  1. Check if the issue has been raised already on GitHub and if someone has picked it up already or not? Try searching closed issues also.
  2. Fork the repo from latest develop branch
  3. Perform the changes.
  4. Do the manual and automated testing for different platforms, OS versions and different size devices.
  5. Check the naming conventions.
  6. Raise a PR.


[Task #0 Title](url)

**Time invested:** hh:mm format | **Billable**: 00:00 | **Non-Billable**: 00:00

**Problem Statement**

**Describe The Fix/ Solution You Implemented**

**Proof of your testing (Demo link or video links or image links)**
- For all the plateforms


### Merge Request Checklist

- [x] I have performed a self-review of my code
- [ ] My code does follow `industry standards`
- [ ] My code doesn't produce `warnings/ errors` for `dart analyzer`
- [ ] New and existing `tests` pass locally with my changes (No tests are there as of now)
- [ ] The code modified as part of this PR has been covered with tests
- [ ] My code is `properly formatted`
- [ ] I've followed the proper naming conventions
- [ ] I have rebased the `feature` on the latest `develop`
- [ ] I have run `flutter run` after the rebase
- [ ] I have added new dependencies/ updated old dependencies
- [ ] I have read all the `comments` & `notes` in `wireframe` and verified that I did take care of that
- [ ] verify that the `UI` must match with `design` & `wireframe` if available
- [ ] I have updated the `version/ build` (`x.x.x+xxx`)
- [ ] I've verified that the latest commit of `develop` exists in your `feature` branch after rebase.
- [ ] My fix achieves 100% of what is required
- [ ] Can enhance the solution in the future because better implementation could be made

Developer need to add title of Task here, and add the task link as well. For open source contributers, they can put the title by theirselves.

[Task #0 Title](url)

Time Log

Developer need to log Billable/ Non-Billable Time. All the Developers contributing for open-source should log Non-Billable time/ they can ignore this section.

**Time invested:** hh:mm format | **Billable**: 00:00 | **Non-Billable**: 00:00

Problem statement

Write down the issue description after **Problem Statement**.

**Problem Statement**
This is the issue description.

Describe The Fix/ Solution You Implemented

Write your suggetion after **Describe The Fix/ Solution You Implemented**

**Describe The Fix/ Solution You Implemented**
I fixed xyz.


Write dependencies you added/ modified, after **Dependencies**.


- added
abc: 1.0.0

- updated
xyz: 1.0.0

Proof of your testing

Attach links after **Proof of your testing (Demo link or video links or image links)**.

**Proof of your testing (Demo link or video links or image links)**
- Android
- iOS

Merge Request Checklist

Developer should tick the relevant boxes for PR they're raising. To tick a box? put [x] instead of [ ].

### Merge Request Checklist

- [x] I have performed a self-review of my code
- [ ] My code does follow `industry standards`
- [ ] My code doesn't produce `warnings/ errors` for `dart analyzer`
- [ ] New and existing `tests` pass locally with my changes (No tests are there as of now)
- [ ] The code modified as part of this PR has been covered with tests
- [ ] My code is `properly formatted`
- [ ] I've followed the proper naming conventions
- [ ] I have rebased the `feature` on the latest `develop`
- [ ] I have run `flutter run` after the rebase
- [ ] I have added new dependencies/ updated old dependencies
- [ ] I have read all the `comments` & `notes` in `wireframe` and verified that I did take care of that
- [ ] verify that the `UI` must match with `design` & `wireframe` if available
- [ ] I have updated the `version/ build` (`x.x.x+xxx`)
- [ ] I've verified that the latest commit of `develop` exists in your `feature` branch after rebase.
- [ ] My fix achieves 100% of what is required
- [ ] Can enhance the solution in the future because better implementation could be made

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