
Vendor Products Crud


vendor-products generally refers to the specific products that a vendor offers for sale on an e-commerce platform. Each vendor on the platform may have a range of products they provide, and these individual items make up the vendor's product catalog. it involves creating and managing a database that stores information about each product offered by each vendor.

Features & Demos

The Vendor Products CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality offers a wide range of features, Establish and manage the relationship between vendors and their respective products. Furthermore, it provides bulk actions that allow you to delete multiple pieces of Vendor Products with a single click and update Vendor Products, offering the following features:

  • Create a New Vendor Products
  • Edit/Update the details of an already existing Vendor Products.
  • Clone Vendor Products details.
  • Autofill Vendor Products fields.
  • Sort the Vendor Products list in ascending/descending order.
  • Perform Bulk Actions to change the status, trash, or delete Vendor Products.
  • List All existing Vendor Products.
  • Filter the Vendor Products list by searching using different fields.
  • Filter the Vendor Products list by different status, including trashed Vendor Products.
  • Delete an existing Vendor Products.
  • Delete or temporarily trash an already existing Vendor Products.
  • Set the product price of different product variation from vendor products.

Overview Of Vendor Products Crud

First time when you interact with Vendor Products CRUD in VaahStore, it will appear like this: at the top, you'll find Vendor Products name, along with options such as a Create button for adding new Vendor Product entity, a Reload button for retrieving the entire list of data, and a dropdown button for creating multiple entries with a single click. And a left-side you can access all other crud like store, vendor etc.

At the bottom, you'll find two toggle menus, each offering distinct features. The first menu allows you to perform specific actions on individual data entries, such as activation, deactivation, deletion, and trashing.

The other menu provides bulk actions, enabling you to perform actions on multiple data entries at once, such as deleting all data or activating all data. Additionally, in the right corner, there is a search bar that allows you to search for specific data in the list. Further options include a filter button and a filter reset button for data filtering.

At the bottom, you'll find a table with column names, and there's also a pagination section. You have the option to customize the pagination according to your preference. By default, it displays 20 data entries per page, but you can adjust this setting to determine how many data entries you want to see on a single page. It's entirely up to you.

How to create a Vendor Products ?

As discussed in the above section of overview of vendor product, simply click on the Create button, fill in all the mandatory fields (we will discuss all the fields later), and then click on the Create & New button. You can follow the image below for creating a vendor product.

Requirement to create a Vendor Products

VendorUse this field to select the vendor for the product-vendor. Initially, it comes with the default vendor, you can change this as well.
StoreThis field contains the active stores. Initially, it comes with the default active-store, you can change this as well
ProductUse this field to select the product of active store for the vendor.
Can UpdateUse this field to define the quantity for the variation.
Added byUse this field to set the user who list this entity. Initially, it comes with the default first active user, you can change this as well.
StatusUse this field to determine the status of the vendor products.
Status NotesUse this field to provide notes describing your decision for any status.
Is ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate your vendor products.

How to update a Vendor Product ?

To edit the vendor product, click on the update (pencil) button as shown in the image ,under the action column. This will open the update form where you can view all the vendor products fields. Simply edit the desired fields and click the save button in the form above to apply the changes.

Update Form Features

When you click on the Update button and the form opens, it not only provides the Save functionality but also offers options such as Trash, Delete, Save-and-New, and more. In the image below, you can see the various features available in the update form. we will discuss all the feature of update form below.

1. Save And Close

The save and close functionality is designed to assist you in saving your changes and closing the updated form. The save and close operation functions similarly to the create and close process when generating vendor products. Whether you are creating or updating, this feature offers specific functionalities. During an update, it provides certain features, mirroring those available during the creation of a new vendor product.

Here is the Create and Close functionality, visible in the image below, which is used during the creation of a vendor product.

2. Save And Clone

Similar to save and close, the save and clone functionality is employed to preserve all existing details and data of a specific record in a new form. This design is particularly useful when certain records share identical fields with only minor differences. Instead of recreating these records and manually inputting all the fields, which can be time-consuming, Vaahstore helps you save a significant amount of time through the save-and-clone functionality. This feature is available in both the creation and update forms, and you can refer to the image below for guidance.

Here is the Create and Clone functionality, visible in the image below, which is used during the creation of a vendor product .

3. Save And New

Save and New is a novel functionality recently introduced in Vaahstore, offering significant time-saving benefits. It is designed to preserve your existing data while concurrently opening a new form, thus optimizing your time utilization. In typical scenarios, when updating records, you are required to close the update form, and when creating a new record, you must open the create form, involving separate steps that consume time. With Vaahstore's introduction of Save and New, you no longer need to close the update form and then click on the create button to initiate record creation. This innovative feature combines these two operations seamlessly—simply click on Save and New to accomplish the same task efficiently.

4. Trash , Delete And Fill

The functionalities of Trash, Delete, and Fill are common, so we will elaborate on each. The Trash functionality aids in trashing records, providing a temporary delete option with the ability to restore records later. On the other hand, Delete performs a permanent deletion, and once a record is deleted, it cannot be restored. The Fill functionality is designed to populate all fields with dummy data. These functionalities collectively enhance the features available in the updated form. Additionally, the create form includes a unique feature called Reset, allowing you to reset all fields with a single click instead of manually removing individual entries, which can be time-consuming.

Here is the Reset functionality, visible in the image below, which is used Reset of field during the creation of a vendor products.

Requirement to set a Product Variation Price

In the context of e-commerce, price is a crucial aspect of product variation. Product variation in terms of price refers to offering different pricing options or tiers for a particular product or service. This pricing flexibility allows businesses to cater to diverse customer segments, accommodate various budget ranges, and implement strategic pricing strategies

Product VariationUse this field to select the product variation for the product-vendor. you can select the active product variation accordingly.
QuantityUse this field to input the product variation price for the variation of products.


Importance of Vendor Products

Vendor products refer to the goods or services that are sourced from external vendors and offered for sale on the online platform. The importance of vendor products in e-commerce store software can be significant, impacting various aspects of the business. Key Points

  • Inventory Management

Need Of Vendor Products

The need for vendor products arises from various factors, and businesses across different industries often rely on external vendors for goods and services. Here are some key reasons why organizations may have a need for vendor products:

  • Specialization
  • Scalability
  • Focus on core competencies
  • Compliance and Standards




POST <public-url>/public/api/store/productvendors

Request samples

parameter = [

Response sample

    "status": "success",
    "messages": [
    "data": {

Get List


GET <public-url>/public/api/store/productvendors?rows={number_of_rows}

Response sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {

Get Record


GET <public-url>/public/api/store/productvendors/{record_id}

Response sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {

Save Product


POST <public-url>/public/api/store/productvendors/product

Request samples

parameter = [
    'same as create'
    "productvendors": {

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