
Tester's Roadmap


This documentation contains a comprehensive guide for new joiners as a software tester. This roadmap is designed to equip testers with the tools, strategies, and best practices necessary to ensure the quality and reliability of software products.

The Roadmap

Follow each steps added in the roadmap one by one. Complete the documentation added as a reference on the steps.

Step 1: Javascript Training

Follow this documentation to complete the javascript training for webdriverIO.

Step 2: WebdriverIO Training

Follow this documentation to complete the webdriverio training for automation testing.

Step 3: Setup a WebdriverIO project for Web

Follow the steps added in this documentation to setup a project using webdriverIO.

Step 4: Web Automaation using WebdriverIO

Follow this documentation: Basics of Web Automation to get an overview of how to automate website using webdriverIO.

Step 5: Setup a WebdriverIO project for Mobile App

Follow the steps added in this documentation to setup a project using webdriverIO for mobile application.

Step 6: Mobile Automation using WebdriverIO

Follow this documentation: Basics of Mobile Automation to get an overview of how to automate using webdriverio.

Step 7: Common Issues and Solutions

If any issues occur during the setup or configuration. Refer to this documentation for solutions.

Step 8: Automation Testing Process

Follow this documentation thoroughly to learn about the Automation Testing Process we follow. Carefully study all the configuration mentioned in the referred docs.

Upon successful completion of the mentioned steps, you will have acquired a foundational understanding of writing automation scripts inclusive of custom reporting and formatting capabilities.

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